Blacknessdefined’s Weblog

The Black Experience in America

Barney is coming out against Obama

Well the first shot across the bow has been made.  One of the loud mouths of the House of Representatives has made it unmistakenly clear he disapproves of some of the decisions Barack Obama has made regarding selecting as Pastor Rick Warren to give the invocation at his inaugural.  Now on the surface we could simply dismiss Barney Frank given his reputation for spouting irrelevant information from time to time.  But he had been a very strong ally of President-elect Obama.  The issue is not so much his ramblings as it opens the door for others to openly criticize him.  Presidents are always criticized, but it seems this is a little early given he is not even in office yet   You woul think the honey moon would last some after the marriage but the marriage has happen nor has it been consumated and groups are lining up to destroy the honey moon.  The problem Barack faces is unrealistic expectations.  Gay groups, women groups, and black groups think he is going to pander to them and promote their agendas.  Barack is a shrewd politician and haven said that he is a politician.  He speaks of being post-partisan which means he will not govern as a Democrat.  Now to not govern as such he will piss off a lot of people who helped elect him.  That is dangerous water to navigate.  That will be a delicate political dance that he may pull off.  We will have to wait and see.  Should Barack ignore those loyal constituents who elected him and do what he feels is best?   What do you think?

Article:Obama overestimates his charm

December 23, 2008 Posted by | barack, Black Experience, black history, Education, politics, power politics, race, religion, world affairs | Leave a comment

The passing of an era


Hi all,

It has been a while since I have posted. Since that time, the family has celebrated the life of my grandmother who was at least 104 years old. There are only two sad facts surrounding her death. First, we are not sure how old she is since the records of her birth were not well kept. Secondly, she will be missed, even though she was old, her death was unexpected at this time.  She had been released from the hospital and simply went away in her sleep.

I can’t fathom 104 years old but just think of what she witnessed in her lifetime. She lived a modest life living off the land and raising 10 kids. She had a hand in rearing a host of niece, nephews, and even a few of her sisters as well. Technology from the car, the television, the airplane, the internet, space travel, satellites, and list goes on have exploded on the scene with her giving witness to each advent.

She was as graceful as they come and would endear you to her with that smile and look that says you better be good or I am going to get you even if you and I both know I am too old to get you. She took out time to teach me the Lord’s prayer. She also encouraged me to read the bible. In short she was a lovely lady. You knew from the life she displayed that she had to be a very obedient child growing old with virtues abounding within her. The world did not know her, but in my world she loomed large. I am glad God gave me the opportunity to have her as my grandma. If you still have yours with you, take the time to appreciate what she represents and give her a hug and a kiss. You never know how long you have with one another.

December 23, 2008 Posted by | Black Experience, black history, Education, family, Health, Relationships | Leave a comment

OJ and the Plea Deals

O.J. Simpson and Yale Galanter

By now, most of you have heard that OJ was found guilty.  I had pinned an article when I found out the jury was all-white that he would not be alright.  I was sure he would be found guilty.  The shocking new is that he was offered numerous plea deals and either through arrogance or ignorance he turned them down.  Maybe he was hoping there was some reservoir of goodwill towards him.  Boy was he wrong if that was the thinking.  Do you believe OJ’s lawyer would have advised him to turn down the plea deals?

Read the rest

December 8, 2008 Posted by | Black Experience, black history, Education, jail, race | Leave a comment

Funny Video: Trying to Rob me

November 20, 2008 Posted by | Automobiles, Economics, Just for Fun | Leave a comment

Williams buys home, talks about blackness

Now this article highlights a systemic problems in our community.  Blackness being prostituted.  If there is one thing I hate, it is people exploiting someone with false pretenses.  Here you have a Mayor get elected because he appealed to the black community, then he ignores the plight of the community while in office, and then he moves back into the community as if nothing ever happened.  Read the article and tell me if I am off my rocker.

By Robert “Rob” Redding Jr.


Nov. 17, 2008, 12 a.m. –During his tenure as the two-term mayor of

Washington, D.C., Anthony A. “Tony” Williams made it clear he wasn’t all that

concerned about what his predominantly black constituency thought of him.


     Even when some accused him of trying to push poor blacks out of the city

 in a headlong effort to barge ahead with a business and economic

development plan, he didn’t flinch.


     But when it came to picking a house this spring, nearly two years after

leaving office, Williams divulged to The Washington Post that he had been

listening to his critics’ whispers all along.


Read More



November 19, 2008 Posted by | Black Experience, family, politics, power politics | Leave a comment

Clinton as Secretary of State

Team of Rivals

Some would ask, why would President-elect Obama tap Ms. Clinton to be his Secretary of State.  Of course the cynics say to keep her from running in 2012.  Others say to put her on a leash and to remove her from his domestic agenda.  I agree with those thought processes.  He does something else with this as well, he prevents John Kerry from raising his voice because Mr. Kerry will not oppose Ms. Clinton.  He also takes Mr. Clinton out of the picture because as much as Bill wants to dominate the headlines, he wants his wife to be considered successful since that is the only reason they stayed married. 

Furthermore he also neutralizes Joe Biden on the foreign policy front.  Now when Ms. Clinton and Joe Biden disagree Barack comes in and resolves the dispute.  Clearly he is following in President Lincoln’s footsteps by building a team of rivals using the old adage of:

Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer.  What do you think?  Does this move of selecting Hillary make sense because she is qualified or was this a political calculation?  Think about it.  His rivals are responsible for his success or they can be blamed for his failure.

November 19, 2008 Posted by | barack, Black Experience, Education, politics, power politics, Relationships, world affairs | Leave a comment

Barack: I can do whatever I like



just flat out funny

November 16, 2008 Posted by | barack, Black Experience, black history, Economics, Education, Entertainment, family, Health, Just for Fun, military, politics, power politics, race, Relationships, religion, science, tv shows, Videos, world affairs | 1 Comment

Military Experts to Obama: Stop Exporting Democracy

President-elect Obama will face a number of competing priorities when he takes office January 20th, 2009.  As the Commander -in-Chief he will have to balance having an effective and sufficient fighting force with economic forces demanding a reduction in cost and expenditures.  There will be plenty of people offering advice from which to choose a course of action.  Here is one group advocating we disentangle ourselves from some of our current engagements such as Irag and Afghanistan.

“In Iraq and Afghanistan, the Army and Marine Corps have been stretched to the limits of their strength to fight enemies not even a tenth as numerous as those they faced in Vietnam,” the report says. “We have become a pampered, sluggish, weak-muscled elephant that cannot even deal effectively with mice.”

Read the rest of the article: Stop Exporting Democracy

November 14, 2008 Posted by | Education, military, politics | Leave a comment

Rev. Peterson: Black Preachers are Worshiping the Wrong Messiah

Here is an article I found interesting

…There shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies…2 Peter 2:1

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 13 /Christian Newswire/ — With the November 4 election of Barack Obama, black preachers have been celebrating across the country. Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, Founder and President of BOND Action, Inc. is rebuking these black preachers for their part in electing the most left-wing presidential candidate in American history:

“Ninety-six percent of black voters supported Barack Obama and the majority of these voters were influenced by black preachers to put race ahead of their country and their faith,” said Rev. Peterson. “How can ministers who are supposed to lead their flock to Jesus Christ instead lead them to a socialist like Obama? The truth is that most black ministers don’t have a real relationship with God and they are leading their congregations to hell. These blind leaders helped elect their black ‘Messiah’. This ‘Messiah’ happens to be the most left-wing member of the U.S. Senate,” said Rev. Peterson.

Here’s where president-elect Obama stands on key issues:

  • Believes in abortion on demand (virtually under any circumstance), and has told Planned Parenthood that sex-ed for kindergartners is ‘the right thing to do’ (as long as it’s ‘age appropriate’);
  • Has promised to repeal the federal Defense of Marriage Act and would allow homosexual ‘marriages’ to be made legal in all 50 states;
  • Would appoint far left activist judges who’d pervert and misinterpret the U.S. Constitution;
  • Has pledged to dismantle ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ in the military. Supports open homosexuality, bisexuality, and transexuality in all military branches, barracks and shower facilities.

This is what influential black ministers said after the Obama election victory:

  • Bishop T.D. Jakes of The Potter’s House church said that Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign “encouraged, validated and gave inspiration to not only the people of the United States of America, but to the people of our world.”
  • At Harlem’s Abyssinian Baptist Church, Rev. Calvin Butts invited his congregation to stand up “and give God praise for the election.” Several hundred churchgoers rose as one and cheered, “Yes we can! Yes we can!”
  • Grammy-winning gospel singer, Rev. Shirley Caesar-Williams said, “Too long we’ve been at the bottom of the totem pole, but he [Obama] has vindicated us, hallelujah.”
  • Rev. John L. Lambert, Bethel AME Church in Indianapolis, “If ever there was an answer to ‘who cometh to our help?’ that was the answer…Look at what God has done.”
  • At Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Rev. Otis Moss, III, said history would note that Trinity was the holy place where “God stirred a young man’s soul and put him on the path to the presidency.” 

Rev. Peterson added: “For the past eighteen years I’ve said that most black preachers are not called by God, but instead are called by their mammas. If there was ever a time that this was the case, that time is now. In order for black Americans to turn around, they must drop their anger, and find the truth within themselves, not from corrupt, racist preachers or from a false black Messiah.”

BOND Action, Inc., is a nonprofit, pending 501 (c) (4) new cultural action organization, which exists to educate, motivate and rally Americans to greater involvement in the moral, cultural and political issues that threaten our great country. Contributions to BOND Action, Inc. are not tax-deductible. For more information call (877) WE-ACT-77, visit www.bondaction.orgor write to us at BOND Action Inc., PO Box 35586, Los Angeles, CA 90035-0586

November 14, 2008 Posted by | Black Experience, black history, Education, politics, power politics, race, religion | Leave a comment

As More Companies Seek Aid, ‘Where Do You Stop?’

We are entering a fairly new era in our American history.  The first African American President.  Expectations are through the roof.  The unfortunate side is now that we have opened up the treasury or more accurately the pockets of the American people how do you close them?  As Congress moves to bail out the auto industry why wouldn’t any company in trouble not go to the Congress with their hand out.  This will end up with Congress and the President picking winners and losers.  But the ultimate loser will be those who pay taxes.  We can’t support the bad decisions of corporate managers.  In a capitalist society sometimes businesses lose for a host of reasons.  The bail out is a big step in the wrong direction that will be hard to reverse. It seems as if there is an attempt to keep companies from failing.  Without the government owning everything how do you prevent failures in a free market?

Article: Bail out heaven, join the party

November 12, 2008 Posted by | Economics, Education | Leave a comment